Swinburne University of Technology - TAFE General 6.5 Swinburne University of Technology (TAFE Division) Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5 Sydney English Language Centre IELTS Preparation 5.5 Sydney Institute Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5 TAFE International General 6.5 TAFE International Western Australia Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5 TAFE Queensland General 6.5 TAFE Tasmania Foundation 4.5 5 The Bremer Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5 Torrens Valley Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5 Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5 University of Adelaide P/G All programs in Adelaide Graduate School of Business 6.5 University of Adelaide P/G Faculty of Health Sciences 6.5 University of Adelaide P/G Master of Business Law and Master of Laws 6.5 University of Adelaide P/G Other Law Programs 7 University of Adelaide U/G 6 University of Adelaide, The General 6.5 University of Ballarat, The General 6.5 University of Canberra foundation 5.5 University of Canberra P/G 6.5 University of Canberra U/G 6.5 University of Canberra, The General 6.5 University of Melbourne General 6.5 University of Melbourne P/G 1/2 courses 6.5 University of Melbourne U/G 6.5 University of New England General 6.5 University of New England P/G 6 University of New England U/G 6 University of New South Wales foundation 5 University of New South Wales General 6.5 University of New South Wales P/G 6.5 University of New South Wales U/G 6.5 University of Newcastle foundation 5.5 University of Newcastle General 6.5 University of Newcastle P/G 6.5 University of Newcastle U/G 6.5 University of Notre Dame P/G 6.5 University of Notre Dame U/G 6 University of Notre Dame U/G Law 7 University of Notre Dame U/G Nursing and Education 6.5 University of Queensland General 6.5 University of Queensland P/G 6 University of Queensland P/G Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Veterinary Science 6 University of Queensland P/G Speech Pathology 7 University of Queensland U/G 6 University of Queensland U/G Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Veterinary Science 6 University of Queensland U/G Speech Pathology 7 University of South Australia P/G 6.5 University of South Australia U/G 6 University of South Australia General 6.5 University of Southern Queensland P/G 6.5 University of Southern Queensland U/G 6
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