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文章来源:澳大利亚大学|雅思考试     日期:2009-2-5 9:24:24

Bond University Conditional entry to postgraduate programs in the Faculties of Business, and Humanities & Social Sciences, undertaking specified English language subjects in addition to degree 6  
Bond University Diploma in University English Studies & Bachelor of Arts (English as an International Language) programs 5.5  
Bond University Direct entry to Graduate Certificate in University English Studies 6  
Bond University Graduate Diploma in University English Studies 5.5  
Bond University Master of Educational Practice in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences 7  
Bond University Master of Journalism and postgraduate programs in the Faculty of Law 7  
Bond University Master of Psychology (Clinical) and Master of Psychology (Forensic) programs  7  
Bond University P/G Business, Information Technology, Law, and Humanities & Social Sciences programs 6.5  
Bond University P/G programs in the Faculty of Health Sciences 7  
Bond University U/G Bachelor of Biomedical Science 7  
Bond University U/G Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery 7  
Bond University U/G Business, IT, Law, Humanities & Social Sciences, Health Sciences programs 6.5  
Bond University  General 6.5  
Box Hill Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Brisbane Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Cambridge Business College General 5.5  
Cambridge College Diploma 6.5 5.5
Canberra Institute of Technology  General 6.5  
Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Carnegie Mellon University Heinz School Australia PG   6.5
Casey Institute of TAFE  General 6.5  
Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Central Queensland Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Central Queensland University P/G All Courses 6  
Central Queensland University P/G Research Programs 6.5  
Central Queensland University U/G All Courses 6  
Central Queensland University U/G Research Programs 6.5  
Central TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Central West College of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Challenger TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Charles Darwin University P/G 6.5  
Charles Darwin University U/G 6  
Charles Sturt University U/G 6  
Charles Sturt University Study Centre-Melbourne Tertiary 6  
Chisolm Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Cooloola Sunshine Institute of TAFE Overall requirement - Please check with the TAFE institution 5.5 5.5
Curtin International College Certificate 5 5
Curtin International College Diploma 5.5 5.5
Curtin University  General 6.5  


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