1. 机构更名
机构名称从原来的"蒙纳什职业年"更名为"澳洲职业桥梁课程“Professional Pathways Australia”. ".一方面可以为全世界的客户服务,不单单蒙纳什大学的学生,另外一方面之所以改名原因是避免名称混淆.
2. 最新价格
其中注册费:Enrolment $275.00
学费Tuition $12,327.40
保险 Insurance$147.60
总计 Total (incl. GST)$12,750.00
3. 付款方法
Students are now able to make the payment in instalments, meaning the task of accessing funds becomes easier. Below shows how the instalments will work.
Enrolment Fee: $275 - this is paid once we have assessed your application
1st Instalment: $7000 - this must be paid prior to the start of the program
2nd Instalment: $5475 - this must be paid no later than 15 weeks after the beginning of the course and prior to the commencement of the second component (Australian Workplace Skills)
4. 最新课时安排
从2009年开始,为前30周课程引入了夜课模式,每周上课8小时,课表包括早间课程8:30-12:30, 晚间课程5-9点.
From the February course onwards we are introducing the option of night classes, thus giving students the opportunity to undertake full time work for the first 30 weeks of the program. They will still undertake 8 hours per week (2 days of 4 hours), but they will be able to choose between the following 2 timetables:
Option 1 – Morning class; 8:30am – 12:30pm
Option 2 – Evening class; 5pm – 9pm
5. 额外的培训场所
墨尔本 Melbourne: Level 10, 190 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000
悉尼 Sydney: Level 1, 65 York St, Sydney NSW 2000
6. 开学日期 Future Courses (Melbourne and Sydney)
February 23、March 30、May 4、June 8、August 17、September 21、October 26、November 30