游学澳洲系列三:预备时 子虚
澳大利亚的大学生,刚进门的第一周有一个所谓的“ORIENTATION WEEK,”类似国内的军训,那里的训导员是同门不同级的学友,国内是大兵哥和辅导员。说句实话,有些走过场的嫌疑,据过来人说只是当其为结识“故友新知”的场合,这时候一定程度的社交经验自然可以派上很大的用途。一圈“来自五湖四海”的难兄难弟们的热情洋溢,也会使中国学生用半生不熟的英语与人COMMUNICATION。 讲的内容“五花八门”,话题也是“你来我往”,只要超时,温度就开始呈现上涨的趋势。环顾四周,多属同辈的“MONGOLIA”血统,在“刀光剑影”间,“煮酒论英雄”对异族而言,不可不谓之奇观也。收获对我来说,是“YES,OPTUS”里又多存进几个号码。
新生注册的第一日是在一个室内体育馆进行的,事先已经得到了一个大致的介绍。我们到的时间已近正午,放眼望去,馆内人多却有序,三道关口都由澳人负责。年纪不大,做事却是井井有条。前门递表,后门取卡,一看便知。进去方知,稍不留神就成了他人取乐的目标,四处奔波怎奈澳人的反应比我辈迅捷。索性勤力发问,强于“汗牛充栋”。手里接过印有MASTERS 的学生证时,早已“汗流夹背”了。
实际上,程序并不复杂,是高年级的故意找岔。问题就出在阅读和理解的速度,中国大陆来的稍微逊色,即使有了IELTS 6.5或7分的成绩,也可能在处理具体情况时败下阵来。先说第一张表,形式如标准化试题,本以为“TICK”即刻搞定。大致浏览一下,原来是环环相扣,遇到N/E就跟着箭头找方向。完成此表,仍需澳人REVIEW,待几张表的内容合并到一起,并且代表身份的文件一一包括之后,才得以放行。验明正身,然后既是拍照成卡,至此注册告一段落。
LESSON ONE 民族自尊心受到了极大的挑战,“天之骄子”反而变成“过街老鼠”。不是“寡不敌众”,而属于文化冲突的一种。后来我才知道,有教养的家庭是在孩子还小的时候便采用此法,以此激发“奋进心”。可是东方有句古话说:“出门靠朋友”,那么如果做不成朋友,又该怎么办?
在接下来的几天,我便享受有卡的权益。自由进出机房,网上阅读,穿梭于图书馆,限量借阅,不是因为规定而是不堪负荷。计算机系的在CAFÉ;旁边设有HELP DESK,有问题就不得不有求于他们。通常可以使用的,主要是复印机和无人协助的借阅机。大部分时间,我会通过上机操作,完成REQUEST。异常的情况也是时有发生,比如警报失灵,感应失控,学生会被要求关闭手机。当接到诸如“开包验行”,也就是说,有违规的嫌疑,比如OVERDUE LOAN,未经申请私自夹带,工作人员会主动询问,便于核查,会被要求附加个人备注。大惊小怪,大可不必,澳人和蔼可亲,学生只要不犯第二回,不至于判违规。
幸好学生中心有BROCHURE,机器上有INSTRUCTION,简便易学,只需几日便可驾轻就熟。大的建筑物上,都有明显的标识,诸如A,B,C,此类,根据DIRECTORY就可找到其方位,我在升入二年级之后,仍然因为迷失在其间,而向澳人询问。 关于选课,是一个普遍关心的问题。我就遇到一个泰国来的女孩子,为了它,千里迢迢得打电话回家,向家人询问。等电话的我,站在后边,看到她瘦弱的肩膀,同情她的无助。做人父母,又怎么能舍得放她远行。其实如此慎重,是因人而异的。系里另外设置STUDENT ADVISOR,根据发展方向,制定相应的选择层次。我周围的几个同学,大多是按照系里的安排,从头开始,TICK之后就交还。选课记录,随后会挂在个人的网页中。
LESSON TWO 不懂装懂,吃亏的终究是自己。不懂就问,乃做学生的本分。如果对方无诚意,虚心反被误解成“自卑”。“自闭”是海外留学生的心灵杀手之一。
LESSON THREE ORIENTATION的美中不足是,身为少数族裔,我们需要的引路人,不在年纪之短长,而在心智的成熟。
It is said that “a good beginning is more than half of the success.” Re-collecting from those memories left in Australia, I almost can understand why they named that duration of time as “Orientation week”. Not only the pathway leading to “Rome” but the hardship born in mind which probably might emerge afterwards. Personally, that could be interpreted in the way as ancient Chinese works “Western Journey”. Lots of miracles accompany those group of people, challenging together with happiness after the first day began.
A certificate which will be issued to those person registered on the first day after the completion. A week, three month, half year, one year, people will usually set time using such periodical methods. Indicating the completion of certain tasks implemented, we also make a living like that when most of the overseas had been carried outside China. The activities arranged will be posted to us or we can easily get such information after the personal identification had been recognized by the infor-net of the whole organization as a freshman. Accordingly, we can participate those activities by following the schedule fixed.
Therefore, the first thing we should make is to get ourselves registered by the system otherwise they got nothing to do with u for proceedings. That is the first day of “Orientation Week”. Rounds of tables were put in the stadium. The whole process include three steps, firstly they will give u a registery form to fill in the full details about yourself. Some of the abbreviation such as coding no.for country of origin, speaking language, education background had already been put on the table for searching. Alternatively, the accompanying friends will assist u for those enquiries. As nobody is willing to be laughed by others, the speed was the only thing they want to show. While, those volunteers from senior grade will not let u go through easily. They will play tricks on u by hidering you one step backwards or throw u out of the standings. Though I got a group, while, the fact is I can not count on the sympathy. The only way is to care about others. The more question asked, the more help u could get.
Lesson 1, That might be the first lesson, what u should take from here is the knowledge not “the sense of pride or dignity”. Friendship is not the things u can used to show off, but the feelings make others realized that they are in need from u.
After being put through by the verification, u can go to the next step. From that stop, students would take a picture of yours on the left side of my I.D. card. With sweater flowing down from my face, I snatched my student card and read as “masters”. That is not ordinary. If u lose it, a fine of au$12 had to pay back for another one. Otherwise, u were prohibited to the entry of library, computer lab, or other teaching facilities provided by the Faculty. With that I.D. card, I can got the book loan of 24 pcs and access to the none-stuff-assist borrowing machine, just slide the bar code under the sensor after my I.D had been traced from the internal system. A printout can be treated like a reminder of borrowing lists. Sometimes, the card will be showed invalid from the computer. At this time, the stuff will stop u for the suspect of such acts as stolen or overdue loan from library. Downstairs to the cashier or open your bag could be the smart way to find yourself out. Do not worry if they let u fill in a form before u go. That is just a reminder for them to clear the alarm. Right after all the student cards had been issued, I become irritated to have a try upon the introduction. To my surprise, my flat mate was one of the guidance for the campus-tour. But what should I do was just to ask her question as I have already told in lesson one. No more request was allowed. Confused by her response, I thought such sort of person could not be treated as friend. Actually, the activities can be easily