☆☆☆☆☆(5) places the institution among the top 20 percent.
☆☆☆☆(4) puts it in the second 20 per cent; and so on.
Prestige:based on the level of demand for places in the institution, successes in attracting research grants , and success in the international market.
Non-Government earnings:The revenue generated outside normal government grants by the institution from sources such as privates research grants and contracts , donations and bequests , investment activities, and fees paid by international and domestic students.
Student Demand: The level of demand for entry to this institution.
Research Grants: based on the Institutional Grants Scheme Allocation for 2003 as calculated by the Department of Education Science and Training ;and Linkage-projects scheme and Discovery -Projects scheme, from the Australian Research Council,2003-2007.
Research Intensivity:based on the per capita (FTE of research academic staff) Institutional Grants Scheme allocation for 2003 as calculated by the Department of Education, Science and Training; and the per capita (FTE of research academic staff) Linkage-projects scheme funding and the per capita Discovery -projects scheme funding , from the Australian Research Council,2003-2007.The FTE of research academic is based on information provided in 2003 by the department of education , science and training , with respect to the 2002 Staff statistics collection.
Graduat Rating:graduates rated their courses (for overall satisfaction , teaching quality, and acquisition of generic skills)
Student-Staff Ratio:relatively few students per teaching staff member
Staff Qualification:the proportion of staff at the institution holding a higher degree by research or higher degree by course work
Cultural Diversity:the proportion of students with a non-English speaking background
Graduate Starting Salary:the average starting salaries for new graduates aged 25 and under
Getting a Job: the proportion of job-seeking graduates who were successful in getting full-time employment with four months of graduation
Total Graduate Outcomes: the proportion of graduates getting a job or enrolling in further study