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文章来源:澳洲移民局     日期:2009-5-13 12:12:03



2009-2010年独立技术移民处理优先排序, 将沿用200911公布的方式, 州政府担保以及雇主担保,以及CSL清单职业将是最优先批处理,但是移民人数将限制在十万八千一百名左右.


另外除了优先排序之外, 政府还公布了一些列关于非担保类独立技术移民技工职业的要求:


1  英文雅思要求将从5分提高到6分,这个改变将率先于200971应用在海外递交的申请上, 并将于201011应用于境内申请。

2  201011起递交的境内申请,必须通过工作预备考试,这个测试已经广泛应用于境外递交的申请中。这个测试的目的也是为了确保申请人真实的具备提名职业的相应技能。


移民局同时宣布,在2009-2010年度, 非担保类技工独立技术移民的签证发放量将会比以往更少。

2009–10 Budget announcements

The priority arrangements implemented on 1 January 2009 will remain in place for the 2009–10 skilled migration program, which has a cap of 108 100 places.


This will ensure that employer-sponsored and government-sponsored visas continue to be fast-tracked and will remain uncapped.


The CSL will remain in place for those people seeking to migrate to Australia without a sponsor.

These arrangements ensure that only those with a job offer or skills in critical need will be given priority in the current economic climate.


In addition to those priority arrangements, the Government has also announced a tightening of the non-sponsored independent skilled pathway for trades occupations.

1The English language threshold will be increased from 5 IELTS to 6 IELTS, which means they will need to demonstrate a competent level of English. This change will apply from 1 July 2009 for people applying offshore and from 1 January 2010 for people applying onshore.

2A job readiness test will be introduced for onshore applicants, in line with the testing • arrangements for offshore applicants. This will ensure that applicants have the skills claimed. This change will apply from 1 January 2010 for people applying onshore.


Both of these measures recognise that a skilled migrant coming through the non-sponsored pathway must compete in the local labour market when they arrive (hence the need for higher language skills) and have demonstrated that they have the skills claimed.

Note, that under the priority arrangements, fewer trades-level occupations will be granted a visa in 2009–10.

All of these changes are in line with the Government’s longer-term goal to shift the balance of the skilled migration program. Historically, the employer-sponsored and government-sponsored streams of the skilled migration program have collectively represented just 20 to 25 per cent of the skilled migration program while the majority entered through the non-sponsored independent skilled stream.

The Government has sought to shift that balance. In the 2008–09 skilled migration program, the employer-sponsored and government-sponsored streams will represent 43 per cent of the visa grants. In the 2009–10 skilled migration program, it is likely that the two sponsored streams will represent close to 50 per cent of visa grants, with a corresponding decline in the proportion of non-sponsored visa grants.


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