关于8503和8534不可继续逗留条款的豁免条件 Circumstances justifying the waiver of Condition 8503 kKT
很多澳大利亚签证持有人发现签证上有更8503或者8534的条款,该条款的意思是签证到期就要走人,不可以继续在澳洲续签.英文为No Further Stay, 简称NFS, 如果最近有申请570学生签证的申请人一定要注意了,如果你到语言少于40周肯定是有这个条款的,也就是说你要回国再申请新签证,不可以在澳洲续签。如果你的语言多余40周,那么移民局的政策是个案处理,移民局有权力加或者不加这个条款。 n>,lf(Na
It is also important to remember that if a request for a waiver is refused there is no right of merits review to the Migration Review Tribunal and the only option is for the person concerned to challenge the decision in court on the basis of jurisdictional error.
6 豁免NFS的法律要求,以下情况可能可以豁免 reg. 2.05 waiver provisions - Migration Act s41.
Regulation 2.05(4) prescribes the circumstance in which a “no further application” condition may be waived, namely:
• 签证批准后申请人个人情况发生了巨变,而且该情况超出了申请人的控制,并且具有逼迫型的、令人同情的性质。that circumstances have developed since the visa was granted which represent a major change in the visa holder’s personal circumstances. In addition, the change in circumstances must have been beyond their control and be compelling and compassionate in nature - see section 14 Requirements to be met - Reg. 2.05(4)(a) and
• 如果申请豁免NFS, 请求必须是一书面形式申请,其他电子邮件、口头方式均不可以。if the visa holder asks that the condition be waived, their request must be in writing - see section 12 The waiver request and
• 如果移民部长代理人曾经拒绝过申请,那么再次申请情况必须和上次申请不一样。 if the Minister’s delegate previously refused a waiver request by the visa holder under regulation 2.05(4), the circumstances presented in the current request must be substantially different from those presented previously - see section 13 Assessing waiver requests.
移民局认为可以豁免的情况包括 The type of circumstances that DIAC regards as justifying a waiver include:
· 身体不适合旅行 Unfitness to travel
· 直系亲属死亡和生病 Death or illness within the close family
· 严重的贫困 Significant hardship
· 所在国的自然灾害 Natural disaster in the home country
· 所在国的战争或者骚乱 War or civil unrest in the home country
· 所在学校遇到的困难 Difficulties with an education provider (in some cases).
必须注意,移民局不认为申请人和澳洲公民现成配偶关系的不算是超出控制的情况,所以无法豁免NFS。It is important to realise that DIAC does not regard the fact that someone has formed a relationship with an Australian citizen as being a circumstance beyond a person’s control.