1890年建立的塔斯马尼亚大学是英国TIMES高等教育增刊近年评选出的全球200强大学之一,是澳洲历史最悠久、最具国际声誉的大学之一。是多年来澳洲高等教育委员会推荐的最有研究成就的澳前十所大学。教学、研究和学生服务设施一流,连续获得学生服务国家奖和澳洲大学最高研究奖。,2005年被澳大利亚权威大学评级刊物“Good Universities Guide ”多项评比中评为声誉度4星级大学, 学士和硕士毕业生就业情况均为最高级别5星级。
3年制Bachelor of Nursing
Launceston 校园 A$13, 500 per year. 每年仅2月开课。 高中毕业学生可以直接申请。 IELTS要求 : 总分 6 且每门不低于 5.5
入读15 weeks DEAP Program.要求: 总分 5.5 Writing 5 Reading 5. 入读10weeks DEAP Program.要求: 总分5.5 Writing 6 Reading 5.5
2 年制 Bachelor of Nursing 快捷课程
Lanceston 校园 A$20,250 per year. 每年仅2月开课。 高中毕业,且高中阶段成绩优秀的学生可以直接申请。 护理专业大专毕业,且成绩优秀的学生可以直接申请。 学历背景,工作经历优于以上情况的可以直接申请。 IELTS 要求:总分 6.5 且每门不低于 6
有护理专业学习经历,工作经历,护士资格证书的申请人有可能获得学分认可 获得学分认可的申请人有可能在2月或7月入学。
IELTS 要求:总分 6 且每门不低于 5.5 大学不提供语言直升课程DEAP给获得学分认可的申请人。
申请学分认可时必须在申请材料中提供以下文件: 相关学历,成绩单,资格证书,工作简历,工作经历证明,特别是详细的课程描述等文件。
关于工作经历的证明文件的要求:Proof of Skills in Work Experience: Detailed information regarding work experience i.e a letter or reference from employer detailing dates of service, duties, responsibilities etc so that the applicants can be fully assessed for practice. Also in addition, details of any other study or courses that have been undertaken whilst working as a Registered Nurse.
关于课程描述的文件要求:Unit descriptions for all of units You want considered for credit transfer. The descriptions should comprise: a good description on the content of the unit - from past assessment of units, we know some descriptions comprise only 1 sentence. This is not enough for UTAS credit assessment purposes, the more information provided on the content the better.
●Pre-Registration students undertake a full-time 3-year course. Sequence -- see Bachelor of Nursing ●(Pre-Registration): Schedule A. ●Lectures and Clinical Learning (Pre-Registration) Theoretical studies in Years 1 and 2 are held at the Launceston campus only. In Year 1 students undertake two weeks of clinical education in health care centres, including rural and community, throughout Tasmania. In second year students undertake three weeks of clincal education each semester in the clinical divisions at either Launceston, Hobart, North-West or rural and community clinical settings. The third year is taught through the North-West Centre, Launceston and Hobart campuses, with clinical educational opportunities in rural, community, regional and metropolitan centres throughout Tasmania. Costs associated with travel, accommodation and uniforms are met by students. It is a requirement that students maintain an immunisation schedule as outlined in School of Nursing and Midwifery immunisation policy prior to commencing the course. ●Pre Registration (2-year BN) students undertake units in standard semesters 1 and 2 and also in non standard summer semester 3, as detailed in Schedule B.
申请或问询该课程请联系: 塔斯马尼亚大学中国区代表 CHRISTINE YAN
Email: christine.yan@utas.edu.au OR christine.yan@eduglobal.com
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B Above information comes from UTas website, information given by admission officer and English Language Center of UTas.