项目设立背景 西悉尼大学的城市管理硕士课程(MUM),针对有志于21世纪城市管理与研究,以及政策制定的申请者开设的。世界人口的50%居住在城市,2030年将有超过60%的人口居住在城市,城市承担着生产、工作、学习、生活的众多功能,如何使城市更加安全、有效率、可持续发展、这将是我们共同要面临一系列的挑战。
◆项目设立目标 城市管理课程将提供机会让学生具备必要的技能来应对这些挑战: 1、 与城市有关的专家学者接触; 2、 结合工作技能和经验; 3、 完善发展有影响的技能; 4、 结合独特的研究生资源; 5、 发展自身为城市建设贡献更多力量。
◆项目发展优势 该项目与城市研究中心合作,该中心致力于城市管理的教学研究,并拥有一批出色的城市管理领域的专家学者,同时也坐落于悉尼的中心区域,悉尼是澳洲的重要入口以及世界著名的宜居城市,同时它也面临居住、就业、基础设施及环境的巨大压力,这些也为寻求城市化与多样发展的解决方案提供了合适的场所。
◆入学要求 学历要求:本科相关学历; 英语要求:雅思6.5分 专业要求:需和计划、地理、工程、社会科学、环境科学、城市居住研究、公共政策等专业领域相关
The University of Western Sydney is pleased to announce its new Master of Urban Management (MUM) degree. The degree is targeted at graduates and practitioners with a keen interest in cities and urban management, critical areas for research and policy development for the 21st century.
Half of the world’s people live in cities. By 2030 the proportion will exceed sixty per cent. Cities are compelling places to produce, work, learn and live. Yet the world is challenged by the need to make cities efficient, sustainable, safe and just places.
MUM offers students the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to respond to this challenge. In undertaking the MUM you will:
engage directly with cutting-edge urban researchers and scholars integrate workplace skills and experience develop integrated, effective management capacities emerge with a distinguished postgraduate qualification and have developed the skills to make a major contribution to building better cities.
The MUM program is coordinated by the University’s Urban Research Centre. The Centre leads research and teaching initiatives in the study of cities and urban management. The Centre is based around distinguished international urban researchers and young creative scholars. Like its university, the Centre is ideally located in the geographical, economic and socio-cultural heartland of Sydney. Sydney is Australia’s global portal and one of the world’s most desirable places to live. It is also a growing city-region experiencing mounting stress on housing and labour markets, infrastructure and the natural environment. These circumstances provide a unique laboratory for studying the challenges of contemporary urbanisation and for devising effective solutions.